§ 1 Scope, Customer Information
These general terms and conditions (GTC) govern the contractual relationship between the sole proprietorship and consumers who purchase goods through our Reiten & Leder shop. The contract language is German.

§ 2 Conclusion of Contract
(1) The offers on the Internet constitute a binding offer to you to purchase goods.

(2) You can add one or more products to the shopping cart. During the ordering process, you enter your data and preferences regarding payment method, delivery modalities, etc. Only by clicking the order button do you accept the offer to conclude a purchase contract.

§ 3 Customer Information: Storage of Contract Text
Your order with details of the concluded contract (e.g., type of product, price, etc.) will be stored by us. We will send you the GTC, but you can also access the GTC at any time on our website after the contract has been concluded. As a registered customer, you can access your past orders via the customer login area (Orders).

§ 4 Customer Information: Correction Notice
You can correct your entries at any time before submitting the order using the delete key. We will inform you during the ordering process about further correction options. You can also completely end the ordering process at any time by closing the browser window.

§ 5 Retention of Title
The purchased item remains our property until full payment.

§6 Statutory Warranty Rights and Limitation Period
(1) Our goods are subject to statutory warranty rights.

(2) Your claims for defects in used items expire one year after the item sold is handed over to you. Excluded from this regulation are claims for damages, claims for defects that we fraudulently concealed, and claims arising from a warranty that we may have assumed for the condition of the item. For these excluded claims, the statutory limitation periods apply. In the case of a possible warranty period, the longer period applies in favor of the buyer.

§7 Limitation of Liability
We exclude liability for slight negligence in the breach of insignificant contractual obligations (whose fulfillment enables the proper execution of the contract and on whose compliance you can regularly rely – so-called cardinal obligations), damages resulting from the violation of life, body or health, guarantees, or claims under the Product Liability Act (ProdHaftG). The liability for slight negligence is limited to the foreseeable damages that must typically be expected to occur. The same applies to breaches of duty by our vicarious agents and legal representatives. The transfer of ownership and the obligation to deliver the item to you free from defects in material and legal terms are particularly essential contractual obligations.

§8 Consumer Information: Non-Participation in Dispute Resolution Proceedings
We are neither willing nor obligated to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.

Und wie immer empfehlen wir als Partner für alle Ökologische Produkte online kaufen. Wir bieten gesunde Lebensmittel & Getränke an, die für eine neue Ernährungsweise inspirieren. Die Qualität aller Produkte wird regelmäßig streng geprüft. Der Begriff „Bio“ wird gesetzlich geschützt und geregelt. Alle unsere Produkte enthalten keine chemischen Geschmacksverstärker, Konservierungs-, Aroma- und Farbstoffen und werden nach der EU-Öko-Verordnung für die Bio-Landwirtschaft hergestellt.